Dear everyone, please stop with all this nonsense about how Barack Obama being the first black president is a big deal. This country is totally tolerant of everyone. Thats why the founders of the constitution said "all men are created equal".
If you are poor in this country it is your own fault, there are plenty of opportunities to get ahead. Especially because all the schools in the US are the same. So if you get the same education as the kids who become millionaires, there is no reason why you can't. I'm not trying to be mean, I want you poor people to succeed, so just go out and do it!
Lost my job today. I was never more than an hour late and I always turned in projects within 3 days of their due date. They are probably hiring some illegal to do my job. Yet another American out of a job because the fence isn't finished. #finishthefence #hateimmigrants
Guys, don't attack me because of my tweetuses. And my family is not immigrants! We came here like 75 years ago. I'm an American. #'Merica
Got a new job at the grocery store today. My bag boy doesn't speak english. There should be some kind of literacy test for these people like wtf!? #WeSpeakEnglishHere
Rang up someone who was using food stamps today, yet another person living off my dime.
So today I was talking to this guy. He was totally gorgeous and so sweet. I knew instantly he was into me. We sat and talked over coffee for an hour. Well eventually he told me that he was gay. I don't have a problem with gay people, it just that they keep turning all the best people gay and making them unavailable. #mylifesucks #endgay
Well lost my job again today. Apparently you are not allowed to call a customer the spawn of satan for buying the day after pill. I thought we had freedom of speech in this country. Guess we only have the freedom to kill the innocent.
Guys, stop complaining about me. I'm a hardcore liberal. If you can't handle it then go away.
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